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Pennyroyal Essential Oil organic

  • Pennyroyal Essential Oil organic

Product Name: Pennyroyal Essential Oil organic

Botanic Name: Mentha Pulegium


Active Ingredient: Pulegone: 80-85%

Plant Part: Flowers

Extraction Method: Steam Distilled

Origin: Morocco 

Description: Penny Royal is a perennial herb that grows up to 50cm (20 in) tall with smooth roundish stalks and aromatic, gray-green oval leaves.

Common Uses: Penny Royal Essential Oil was traditionally used to strengthen the nerves, being valuable in hysteric disorders, nervous exhaustion and externally applied for neuralgia. It has a long traditional use as a carminative, diaphoretic, stimulant and as an emmenagogue.

Aromatic Scent: Penny Royal Essential Oil has a scent very similar to peppermint. Users should expect it to be sweet and herbaceous.


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