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Lavender Spike Essential Oil (Spain)

  • Lavender Spike Essential Oil (Spain)

Product Name: Lavender Spike Essential Oil (Spain)

Botanic Name: Lavendula latifolia


Botanical Name: Lavandula latifolia


Extraction Method: Steam Distillation


Description: This plant occurs naturally in the Mediterranean region. A perennial shrub, it usually grows to 30-100 cm tall and wide. The flowers are pinkish-purple (lavender-colored), produced on spikes 2-3 cm long at the top of slender leafless stems 10-30 cm long; each flower is subtended by a bract 4-8 mm long. At the top of the spike are a number of much larger, sterile bracts (no flowers between them), 10-50 mm long and bright lavender purple (rarely white).


Common Uses: Lavender Spike Essential Oil has similar medicinal properties to common lavender (L. angustifolia). It yields more essential oil than that species but therapeutically not considered as good. The flowers, and the essential oil derived from them, are anti-asthmatic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, digestive and expectorant. Externally, the essential oil is used as an antiseptic wash for wounds, ulcers, sores etc and as a relaxing oil for massage.


Aromatic Scent: Lavender Spike Essential Oil has a fresh, floral-herbaceous odor.


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