Botanic Name: Centraria Islandica
Anti-emetic, demulcent, galactagogue, tonic. Iceland moss tea can be used for respiratory catarrh, gastroenteritis, anemia, and regulation of gastric acid. It also serves to stimulate the flow of milk but should not be used if the breasts or nipples are inflamed. It is useful too for coughs, hoarseness' and bronchitis. Iceland moss is sometimes given for tuberculosis., since it acts to dissolve mucous congestion and also hinders the growth of the tubercle bacillus. The plant makes a nourishing food, but it must be boiled for a long time to make it palatable. CAUTION: Use in excessive doses or for prolonged, periods can cause gastrointestinal irritation and liver problems.
Iceland moss is sometimes given for tuberculosis., since it acts to dissolve mucous congestion and also hinders the growth of the tubercle bacillus. The plant makes a nourishing food, but it must be boiled for a long time to make it palatable. CAUTION: Use in excessive doses or for prolonged, periods can cause gastrointestinal irritation and liver problems.