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Botanic Name: Arctium Lappa


A stout handsome plant, with large, wavy leaves and round heads of purple flowers. The whole plant is a dull, pale green and the stem about 3 to 4 feet and branched, rising from a biennial root. The lower leaves are very large, on long, solid footstalks, furrowed above, frequently more than a foot long heart-shaped and of a gray color. In traditional herbal texts, Burdock root is described as a blood purifier or alterative. Burdock root was believed to clear the bloodstream of toxins. It was used both internally and externally for eczema and psoriasis as well as to treat painful joints and as a diuretic. Burdock root has recently become popular as a part of a tea to treat cancer. Till date, only minimal research has substantiated this application.

In traditional herbal texts, Burdock root is described as a blood purifier or alterative. Burdock root was believed to clear the bloodstream of toxins. It was used both internally and externally for eczema and psoriasis as well as to treat painful joints and as a diuretic. Burdock root has recently become popular as a part of a tea to treat cancer. Till date, only minimal research has substantiated this application.

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