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Black Musli P.E 5.1

  • Black Musli P.E 5.1

Product Name: Black Musli P.E 5.1

Botanic Name: Curculigo Orchioides


Curculigo Orchioides grows as forest herb. Since generations, it is in use as folk medicine. In Ayurveda, root is heating, aphrodisiac, fatigue, alternative, fattening and useful in treatment of piles, appetizer, blood related disorders etc. According to Unani system of medicine, root is carminative, tonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic and useful in bronchitis, ophthalmia, indigestion, vomiting, diarrhoea, lumbago, gonorrhea, gleet, hydrophobia, joint pains etc. Used in case of hypertension among women at late ages and chronic arthritis. Also used as tonic.

The rhizomes of Curculigo orchioides have been traditionally used as aphrodisiac. In the present study ethanolic extract of rhizomes was evaluated for its effect on sexual behavior in rats. Administration of 100 mg/kg of extract change significantly the sexual behavior as assessed by determining parameters such as penile erection, mating performance, mount frequency and mount latency. Moreover a pronounced anabolic and spermatogenic effect was evidenced by weight gains of reproductive organs. The treatment also markedly affected sexual behavior of animals as reflected in reduction of mount latency, an increase in mount frequency and enhanced attractability towards female. Penile erection index was also incremented in treated group.

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