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Botanic Name: Pseudoacacia


Acacia Flowers are typically small, yellow and fragrant with many stamens, giving the flower a fuzzy appearance. The Acacia flower heads are actually lots of little flowers bundled together. Acacia Flowers can vary in color from cream, pale yellow through to gold. One species, Acacia purpureapetala, has purple flowers whilst a form of Acacia leprosa has red flowers. Individual Acacia Flowers are arranged in inflorescences that may be either globular heads or cylindrical spikes. The foliage color of Acacia ranges from light or dark green to blue or silver-grey. Acacias are characterised by their small, finely divided leaflets, which give the leafstalk a feathery or fernlike (i.e., pinnate) appearance. A large group of Acacias develop modified flat leaf-like structures called phyllodes (which are flattened stems) soon after germination. Acacia flowers do not produce any nectar. However, the leaf and phyllode glands secrete a nectar or sugary substance which attracts ants, bees, butterflies and other insects. The color of the Acacia flowers in each species is fairly consistent and can aid in identifying different species. Acacias produce pods or legumes(straight to highly coiled or twisted, smooth or covered in fine hairs) which contain seeds, these too can be helpful in identification of the species. Acacia tree can be raised either from seed, from cuttings, or by grafting. Acacia acinacea (Gold Dust Wattle), Acacia adunca(Wallangarra Wattle), Acacia alata, Acacia aneura (Mulga), Acacia baileyana(Cootamundra Wattle), Acacia bancroftii, Acacia beckleri(Barrier Range Wattle), Acacia binervata(Two-veined Hickory), Acacia melanoxylon, Acacia longifolia, Acacia senegal, are some of the species of Acacia. Acacias are mostly insect pollinated. All parts of the Acacia plant - flowers, leaves and phyllodes, legumes and seeds, stems, trunk and roots are all utilized by hordes of animals. The Acacia wood is renowned for its excellent fuel properties and can also produce good charcoal. Acacia seeds are often used for food and a variety of other products. The seeds of Acacia niopo, for instance, are roasted and used as snuff in South America.

The foliage color of Acacia ranges from light or dark green to blue or silver-grey. Acacias are characterised by their small, finely divided leaflets, which give the leafstalk a feathery or fernlike (i.e., pinnate) appearance. A large group of Acacias develop modified flat leaf-like structures called phyllodes (which are flattened stems) soon after germination. Acacia flowers do not produce any nectar. However, the leaf and phyllode glands secrete a nectar or sugary substance which attracts ants, bees, butterflies and other insects. The color of the Acacia flowers in each species is fairly consistent and can aid in identifying different species. Acacias produce pods or legumes(straight to highly coiled or twisted, smooth or covered in fine hairs) which contain seeds, these too can be helpful in identification of the species. Acacia tree can be raised either from seed, from cuttings, or by grafting. Acacia acinacea (Gold Dust Wattle), Acacia adunca(Wallangarra Wattle), Acacia alata, Acacia aneura (Mulga), Acacia baileyana(Cootamundra Wattle), Acacia bancroftii, Acacia beckleri(Barrier Range Wattle), Acacia binervata(Two-veined Hickory), Acacia melanoxylon, Acacia longifolia, Acacia senegal, are some of the species of Acacia. Acacias are mostly insect pollinated. All parts of the Acacia plant - flowers, leaves and phyllodes, legumes and seeds, stems, trunk and roots are all utilized by hordes of animals. The Acacia wood is renowned for its excellent fuel properties and can also produce good charcoal. Acacia seeds are often used for food and a variety of other products. The seeds of Acacia niopo, for instance, are roasted and used as snuff in South America.

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